How To Fix A Hole In Irrigation Sprinkler Pipe – With Pictures

How To Fix A Hole In Irrigation Sprinkler Pipe

It happens to the best of us…

You’re digging – or pounding a stake – in your yard and you puncture a hole in your sprinkler system irrigation pipe.

Now what?

Here’s how to fix a hole in irrigation sprinkler polyethylene (plastic) pipe using supplies from the local hardware store.

  1. Identify where the leak is and dig out an area to expose the pipe. Make sure you give yourself plenty of room – don’t be shy – more room will make your life easier.

  2. Clean the pipe with a wet rag to remove any dirt or mud.
  3. Cut out the damaged section of the pipe. I’m using a pex pipe cutter, but you can use anything that will get the job done – a hacksaw, reciprocating saw, scissors, a knife, etc.

  4. Slide your clamps on each side of the pipe. I’m using 1″ cinch clamps because I have a cinch clamp tool, but you can use standard hose clamps, too.

    1 Inch Hose Clamps on
  5. Insert one end of your hose barb splicer into one end of your pipe. You may need to apply quite a bit of force to push it in there. If it’s too tight, you can try to warm up the poly pipe with a heat gun (or torch), use a little dawn dish soap as lubricant, and tap it in with a hammer. Once the hose barb splicer is where you want it, secure it with your clamp. Tighten it as much as you can.

  6. Now with one end secure, repeat the process with the second side. If you dug a big enough hole, you should have plenty of room to slightly bend the pipe and push it over the splicer. Secure the clamp tightly.

That’s it – turn the water back on and check for leaks before you fill in the hole with dirt.

Other scenarios:

Sometimes you need to repair a longer section of damaged pipe. If that’s the case, you can use the same concept from above, but twice – once on each side of a replacement section of pipe.

How To Fix Sprinkler Irrigation Pipe
How To Fix Irrigation Sprinkler Pipe

Words of encouragement: don’t be afraid to do this yourself. It’s not a life and death situation – it’s just a pipe with some water running through it outside your house. Also, it’s going to save you money compared to having a professional do it.

Good luck!

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